We've transformed our outdoor classroom and playground into a truly unique outdoor classroom experience specially designed for our space by the Nature Explore program.
Outdoor classroom NEWS!
Outdoor classroom NEWS!
We've transformed our outdoor classroom and playground into a truly unique outdoor classroom experience specially designed for our space by the Nature Explore program.
Benefits of an outdoor classroom:
Physical: In increase in physical development, capability, and activity.
Cognitive: Stronger language, problem-solving, and communication skills through projects and group activities.
Psychological: Happier, higher more positive self-esteem.
Understanding: Familiarity with and appreciation of nature.
Learning Foundations:
Art - Daily
Dramatic Play - RHL's Famous Stage
Math - Daily Nature Driven
Science - Daily Nature Driven
Manipulatives - Loose Parts
Sensory - Dirt, Sand, and Weather Made
Gross Motor - Building, Bikes, and Running
"Learning science is something that students do, not something that is done to them. 'Hands-on' activities, while essential, are not enough. Students must have 'minds-on' experiences as well...Inquiry is central to science learning." - National Science Education Standards